The Attraction of Scouting
From the book, Lessons from the Varsity of Life, written by Lord Baden-Powell.
Cub Scouting Background
A little background of how the Cub Scouting program was created. Found in the 1973 printing of the Cubmaster’s Packbook.
William D. Boyce
William D. Boyce incorporated the Boy Scouts of America on Feb 8th, 2010.
How To Tie A Double Half Hitch
The two half-hitches is a type of knot, specifically a binding knot or hitch knot. It consists of an overhand knot tied around a post, followed by a half-hitch. Equivalently, it consists of a half-turn around a post followed by a clove hitch of the running end around the standing part.
Four Steps of Advancement
The four steps of advancement is a requirement that is found within the Scout Rank and Scouting Adventure.