Terms and Elements of Art
Requirement 2 of the Art Merit Badge: Discuss with your counselor the following terms and elements of art: line, value, shape, form, space, color, and texture. Show examples of each element.
How To Draw A Bear
There are a ton of tutorials out there on how to draw almost anything. This video by Christopher Hart is one of my favorites.
Make Your Own Watercolors
Most of the time you can purchase inexpensive watercolors at the dollar store… but where is the fun in that?! For half the cost you can make your own
Career Opportunities In Art
The Art Merit Badge has us taking a look at three different career opportunities in art. You then need to pick one and find out about the education, training, and experience required for this profession.
Primary Colors
Three colors make up the Primary Colors. They are Blue, Yellow, and Red.
A great activity to do with your scouts is to make a color wheel.
Start off by gathering the following supplies: