Take Responsibility For The Earth
With Earth Day being this week, page 368 of the 10th edition (1990) of the Boy Scout Handbook give us some awesome advise and ideas on how to take responsibility for the Earth.
Black Widow
Things are starting to warm up outside and the creepy crawlies are starting to come out of their winter slumber.
You Lichen Rocks?
This last week we were on the troop summer week long scout camp up in the High Uintas of Utah. As we were hiking along between Trident and Beth Lake, I noticed that there was a ton of lichen on all the rocks. I realized that I did not know anything about lichen, except that it is usually found growing on the rocks. So, here is a few thing that I have found from my research.
Bearmuda Triangle
In preparation for our troop's summer scout camp up in the High Uintas, we have been teaching the scouts to be bear aware and bear smart. Bears can smell your food from 2-3 miles away.
The Story of Smokey Bear
Smokey was born on August 9, 1944. The U.S. Forest Service wanted a spokes person to continually remind people that "Care will prevent 9 out of 10 fires", and the fictitious bear was just the ticket... as they said back then. In 1947, Smokey's message changed to the familiar "Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires".
How To Avoid Bears In Camp
Here are some tips to do your part in keeping your campsite bear free.
Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum
Along with the exhibits, the museum offers live animal shows in the evening during the week and two afternoon shows on Saturday involving at least 3 live animals.
Groups of Trees and Parts of a Tree
n the area that I live in, there are two main groups of trees. We have deciduous (trees that lose all their leaves for part of the year), and Evergreen (trees that do not lose all their leaves at the same time).