Showing off Your Photos

With photography, there are many different subjects you can take pictures of.  Along with the vast amount of subjects, the amount of apertures, shutter speeds, f-stops, and focus manipulations are endless. Requirement 5 of the Photography Merit Badge gives you to opportunity to show off your work.

Req. 5 - Photograph THREE of the folowing, then share your work with your counselor.
  • Close-up of a person
  • Two to three people interacting
  • Action shot
  • Animal shot
  • Nature shot
  • Picture of a person - candid, posed, or camera aware

The following are a few pictures that I took over the weekend on our last hike.  One of my favorite times to shoot pictures is right when the sun starts to fade under the horizon and starts to bend the light into a bright golden hue allowing me to work more with the contrast of the image.


Dripping Rock Hike


The Law of the Pack