Canning Jar Oil Lamp Using Old Camp Cooking Oil
What to do with all the oil the is left over from cooking fries and scones at camp?
Shotgun Shell Slide
What to do with all those empty shotgun shells… Make slides for the troop and pack!
Apple Pie Filling From Scratch
Easy, from scratch apple pie filling. Also works great in cobblers.
Simple Balloon Hovercraft
Create your own balloon powered hovercraft using recycled items from around the house.
How To Read A Thermometer
In this digital world it’s so easy to ask Google, Siri, or Alexa, “What’s the temperature outside? The Bear adventure, Bear Necessities, has us learning how to read a thermometer.
How To Make Dancing Raisins
This simple and fun activity will help your scouts understand buoyancy.
How To Tie A Figure Eight Follow-Through
Learn how to tie this easy yet very effective climbing knot.
Simple Roasting Sticks
Check out these steps for making your own roasting sticks. Very budget friendly at only $1.25 for the cost of material per stick.
How To Make A Mini Catapult
Fun CubScout gathering activity. Make sure to have enough ammunition just in case your buddy decides to eat all the cereal!
How To Make Forky
This “Not Trash” activity is great at your next Den Meeting or Pack Meeting gathering.
Faux Bald Eagle Feather
One of my favorite things to add to the arrow is an eagle feather. Here is how I make them.
Making Char Cloth
Making char cloth is a simple process with the right material and tools. Here is how we made it...
How To Make "GAK"
GAK is a fun science experiment that satisfies those needs to have gooey stuff in you hands and produces a fun toy for them to take home (and rub into the carpet at their own homes). You will need the following items per boy: