Merit Badges Earned Through Our Online University
The Bird Study Merit Badge has us identifying birds by their song or call. Here are a few for you to practice with.
Requirement 2 of the Art Merit Badge: Discuss with your counselor the following terms and elements of art: line, value, shape, form, space, color, and texture. Show examples of each element.
Requirement 3 of the Insect Study Merit Badge has us learning about and pointing out the main parts of an insect.
At the bottom of this post you will find a free printable to assist you with demonstrating your understanding of each aspect of emergency preparedness listed for Req 2(b)
The Astronomy Merit Badge has us identifying the 8 planets that orbit our sun within our solar system. Here is a fun quiz for you to test your knowledge.
With the ski slopes now open, it’s a good idea to know the difficulty level of each run and the international trail markings.
If you choose to ride at night, be sure to have lights and reflectors on your bicycle.
Requirement 3 of the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge:has us learning about the three branches of the United States government.