Life Scouter Life Scouter

Alice The Camel Song

How many humps does Alice the Camel have?

Alice the camel has three Humps

Alice the Camel has three humps

Alice the Camel has three humps

So go alice, Go


Alice the camel has two humps

Alice the camel has two humps

Alice the camel has two humps

So go Alice, Go

Boom, Boom, Boom

Alice the camel has one hump

Alice the camel has one hump

Alice the camel has one hump

So go alice, Go


Alice the camel has no humps

Alice the camel has no humps

Alice the camel has no humps

'Cause Alice is a horse!

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Life Scouter Life Scouter

My Paddles Keen And Bright Song

One of the first songs I remember singing when I was 12 at my first Scout Camp at Camp Loll, Wyoming... ahhh good memories of swamping the canoe in the glacier fed lake on an overnight trip during a rain storm.


One of the first songs I remember singing when I was 12 at my first Scout Camp at Camp Loll, Wyoming... ahhh good memories of swamping the canoe in the glacier fed lake on an overnight trip during a rain storm.


3 part round

Our paddles keen and bright,

Flashing like silver;

Swift as the wild goose flight,

Dip, dip, and swing.

Dip, dip, and swing them back,

Flashing like silver;

Swift as the wild goose flight,

Dip, dip and swing.


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Life Scouter Life Scouter

Songs: I've Got That Tiger Cub Spirit

I’ve got that Tiger Cub spirit
Up in my head, up in my head, up in my head,
I’ve got that Tiger Cub spirit
Up in my head
Up in my head to stay.
Additional verses:
Replace “up in my head” with
 Deep in my heart
 Down in my feet
 All over me
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Life Scouter Life Scouter

Songs: The Tiger Went Over The Mountain

(Tune:  For He’s a Jolly good Fellow)

The Tiger went over the mountain,
The Tiger went over the mountain,
The Tiger went over the mountain
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see.
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Life Scouter Life Scouter

Songs: Hail To Tigers

(Tune:  On Wisconsin)

Hail to Tigers!  Hail to tigers!
Best game of them all.
We’re a band of jolly Tiger Cubs.
Listen to our call--
Rah!  Rah!  Rah!
Ever onward, ever forward
Bring fun to all!
Here’s to the game of Tiger Cubs,
Best of all!
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Life Scouter Life Scouter

Songs: Tiger Cub Song

(Tune:  Frere Jacques)

Tiger Cubs have fun,
Tiger Cubs have fun,
Search and Discover,
Discover and Share,
Always on the go,
Helping us to grow,
Tiger Cubs
Tiger Cubs.
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