“As you find an idea that suits your needs, I hope that you do not read it to your boys. Take the idea and express it in your own words.”

— Veteran Scouter Victor Reinholz - 1958

Life Scouter Life Scouter

2021-23 Aspens

Your patrol is a lot like this grove of aspens.


Located in Utah’s Fishlake National Forest is one of the world’s largest organisms. It’s a 107 acre forest of more than 47,000 genetically identical quaking aspen trees which all stem from a single root system known as Pando.  The name Pando is Latin for “I spread”.  Aspen trees are capable of reproducing by seeds, but most of the time the trees will shoot up spouts from their roots and form a group known as “clones”. This grove of trees is capable of withstanding anything that the elements can throw at them. They can do this because they are tightly bound together in their trunks, limbs, and in their root system. Each tree draws strength from the other.  There is the occasional Aspen that will grow separate from the group, exposed to face the elements alone. Mother nature is not selective of which trees get attacked by the storms.  When the wind blows, the rain comes down, the lone tree has a greater risk of being damaged.  The group of aspens on the other hand, they stand together, strong, and protecting each other as the storm rages on.

Your patrol is a lot like this grove of aspens. The strength and teamwork you can accomplish together would be impossible for you each to do individually. Each one of you brings skills and talents that complements the other members of the patrol and troop.  

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