2020-10 Advice From An Astronaut
We all have dreams and ambitions in this life. There is even a famous speech that starts out with saying, “I have a dream.” A couple of my own personal dreams include going to every national park with my family along with creating a business that allows me to have more freedom with time. Some of our dreams are attainable while some are in a totally different galaxy.
Alan Bean was an astronaut on Apollo 12. When asked what he learned about success over the years, this was his answer: “The most important quality I have noticed in successful people is that they have a dream . . . . They think and work toward that dream every day. I often ask people to tell me their dreams. 'What did you do today to move you closer to your dream?' 85% didn't do anything. They're planning to do something next week, they're just too busy today. These 85% will probably never see their dream come true.”
So, ask yourself the same question, 'What have I done today to make my dream come true?' If the answer is 'Nothing specific,' then you will never make it unless you change your ways.
One of my close friends always says, “if not you, who? If not now when?”
For most of us, the end goal will not magically happen overnight. But constantly doing one little thing everyday will get you closer to making your dream come true.