2019-38 Stay On The Right Track

Mini Train

There are many different kids of trains. Passenger trains that carry you through this great country, freight trains that haul goods to consumers like you, and even tourist trains that show you what riding a train was like many years ago.

All of these trains are different, yet they have something in common, they all run on tracks. A train, as large and powerful as it is, can’t go anywhere without tracks to guide it.

Like these trains, we are all different. But we all need tracks to guide us too. These tracks are faith, love, and service. Let’s pledge to do our best to stay on the right track. Show your faith by living religious or spiritual principles. Show your family and friends how much you love and appreciate them through you words and deeds. Give cheerful service to all you meet. Stay on the right track and you’ll go far.


2019-39 It's Magic


2019-37 RASKals