The First Flight of the Wright Brothers
Narrator story for your next pack meeting for your cub scouts to participate in.
Radio Safety Code
Essential safety tips when working on your radio equipment. Safety First!
Lights and Reflectors
If you choose to ride at night, be sure to have lights and reflectors on your bicycle.
Aspects Of Emergency Preparedness
Taking a look at preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation and prevention. Be Prepared!
Tips For A Great Hike
Some great hiking tips found in the Tiger Den Leader Guide Book - Tigers In The Wild
Preamble To The Constitution
The preamble sets the stage for the Constitution. It clearly communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document.
Four Freedoms Flag Ceremony
This flag ceremony is appropriate for the opening, closing or other inspirational spot on the program.
Colors On A Topographic Map
When it comes to a topographic map, there are multiple colors that mean different things.
Trout Coloring Book
Free printable coloring book put together by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Cubs Who Care Den Activities
3 fun activities to use with your den the next time you are working on the Cubs Who Care Wolf Adventure.
Hobbit Hole Hike
In a hole in the ground… (First line of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit) Easy out n’ back hike in Zion National Park.
Rattlesnake Rattles
Did you know that rattlesnake rattles are made out of the same stuff your fingernails and toenails are made of!?
Two Basic Principles of Fingerprinting
Did you know that your baby fingerprints don’t change when you get older?
Rules of the Road While Riding Your Bike
Here is a list of rules found in the 1983 San Diego County Council’s Pow Wow book.
Investments In Collections
In this fun story, the boys could have doubled their investment over time if they would have left their investment in the protective case.