The First Strawberry
There is truly something awesome about picking the very first strawberry of the year.
What is Germination
Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure.
Growing Zones
Where you live within the US determines what kind of plants will grow in your area.
Transplanting Flowers
It's springtime! At our home that usually means it's time to start planting some seeds in the garden. There is some truth behind the old saying, "April Showers Bring May Flowers." So this weekend we paid a visit to our local nursery in order to complete part of requirement 2b in the Gardening Merit Badge.
Baggie Greenhouse Printable
This little greenhouse can be used to start any seeds. For my Wolf's we used beans since their germination time is quicker than most seeds. By the time next den meeting rolls around each boy should show some type of growth.