Sit n' Reach Box Alternative
Requirements in both the Personal Fitness merit badge and the Tenderfoot rank have you taking measurements of your flexibility by using a sit and reach box. Most of us don’t have a sit n’ reach box, so the next best thing is to use a box or stool with a yard stick taped on top. If using this method, place the nine inch mark of the yard stick or ruler on the edge of the box where your feet are placed.
To complete the sit n’reach, sit on the floor or ground with your feet (without shoes) placed flat against the box or stool. Keep your knees fully extended and flat on the floor. Extend your arms forward with your hands placed on top of each other, palms down. Bend at the hips, reach forward along the measuring stick four times, and hold your hands at the maximum position on the measuring stick for the fourth reach. Record the measurement of the fourth reach.