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Looking For Christmas

As the narrator reads the story, Cub Scouts arrive with the appropriate items and stand on stage.

Once upon a time there was a den of Cub Scouts. The den decided to go out and find Christmas and bring it back to there den.

The first Cub Scout came back with a Christmas tree.

The second Cub Scout came back with a gift for the pack.

The third Cub Scout came back with a stocking.

The fourth Cub Scout came back to the den singing Christmas carols.

The fifth Cub Scout brought back some snow.

The sixth Cub Scout came back to the den with Santa!

The seventh Cub Scout searched a long time but couldn’t find anything for Christmas. So came back to the den with only a heart full of love and goodwill.

Let us enjoy that Christmas spirit of love and goodwill all year round. Christmas greetings from Den ____!