Goblin's Float


This delicious treat is extremely simple to make.

Items Needed:

  • 1 Gallon Apple Cider

  • 2 quarts vanilla ice cream

  • Nutmeg or Cinnamon

How to Make:

Chill the apple cider. When chilled, pour the cider into tall glasses to the half way mark. Add two scoops ice cream to each glass. Add a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon to the top of the ice cream.

Also, the best version I have had of this concoction was at the Red Barn in Santaquin, UT. Rather than chilling the apple cider, they send it through a slushy machine. They also give you the option of having 1 scoop vanilla and 1 scoop caramel ice cream to give it a caramel apple flavor. Test at home with placing the apple cider in the freezer until it becomes slushy… just don’t forget about it in the freezer!


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