A-M-E-R-I-C-A Flag Ceremony

To me, July is the most patriotic months of the year.  This flag ceremony is great to do during your pack meeting this month.  You can double up on the letters per boy if your den is a little small.  Also, since a scout is thrifty, try laminating your letters to place in your cub scout box for the next time July rolls around.


Preparation: Make seven cards with on letter on each: A, M, E, R, I, C, and A. You can also print our set of cards HERE.

Cub Scout 1: A is for all people in our land.

Cub Scout 2: M is for the many that lent a hand.

Cub Scout 3: E stands for equality of race, color, and creed.

Cub Scout 4: R is respect for all people's needs.

Cub Scout 5: I is for ideas - new ways to know our neighbor.

Cub Scout 6: C stands for caring and sharing in labor.

Cub Scout 7: A is the allegiance we feel for our land.

Cub Scout 8: Stand now and pledge with heart and hand.


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