Critter Care


Complete all of the following.

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. If you have a pet, make a list of tasks that you did to take care of the pet for two weeks.

    2. If you do not have a pet, research one that you would like to have and prepare a report about the care it needs.

  2. Complete one of the following:

    1. Make a poster or a PowerPoint presentation about your pet or a pet you would like to have. Share the poster or presentation with your den, pack, or family.

    2. Make a poster or PowerPoint presentation explaining three ways that animals can help people. Share the poster or presentation with your den, pack, or family.

  3. Complete at least one of the following and share with your den, pack, or family:

    1. Visit with a local veterinarian or an animal shelter caretaker. Find out what types of animals he or she might see on a regular basis and the types of care he or she gives to them.

    2. Learn about careers that involve the care of animals. What education, training, and experience are required?


Required Adventures

Elective Adventures